Thank you for choosing to report a side effect.


If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the package leaflet. By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of medicine.

In the UK, you can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at To contact Mundipharma to report a side effect, call: +44 (0) 1223 424 211 and ask to speak with medical information, or email [email protected].

Outside the UK: If you are a patient or are aware of a patient who has experienced an adverse event, overdose or unexpected benefits with one of our products, please contact the local Mundipharma office in your country of residence.

Healthcare professionals

In the UK: Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at Adverse events should also be reported to Napp Pharmaceuticals Limited on 01223 424444 or [email protected].

Outside the UK: Adverse events should be reported to your local Regulatory Authority in accordance with local requirements. You can also report an adverse event with a Mundipharma medicinal product by contacting the local Mundipharma office in your country of residence.

Please provide as much information as you can:

  • About the person who experienced the adverse event: initials, gender, age or date or birth
  • About the person contacting us for this report: your name, contact details and professional qualification if you are a healthcare professional, and confirmation that we can contact you to request additional information
  • About the adverse event: the symptom(s) experienced, when it started, when it stopped or if it is still ongoing
  • About the Mundipharma medicinal product involved: product name, dose being taken, Lot or Batch Number, and date treatment was started and/or stopped

Mundipharma and companies within the Mundipharma global network of independent associated companies are required by law to collect certain minimum information relating to persons who have suffered an adverse event to the company’s medicinal product in order to monitor the safety of its medicinal products. This includes reviewing safety data from clinical studies and collecting reports of adverse events. Drug safety staff may contact you if additional information is required to fully document the adverse event report.

All the information and personal data you share with us will be protected and kept confidential in line with our Data Privacy Policy and local regulations and guidance. Your information will be used for the purpose of drug safety surveillance and to enable us to deal with your enquiry appropriately.

It may be shared with health authorities and other third parties who are also responsible for drug safety surveillance. If you are a patient, you can ask someone else (e.g. your doctor or pharmacist) to send the report if you do not wish to give us your name. Find more information about how we protect your personal data.